Shamisen Agency (referred to do) is made of wood, rectangular shape with four corners are slightly curved. The front and back covered with animal skin that serves to harden the strings sound. Leather upholstery is leather abdomen shamisen female cat who has never married. While the usual quality shamisen is made from the skin of the back of the dog. Shamisen is made of imitation leather has the sound quality is not good so it is less popular.
The length of the shamisen is similar to guitar but the neck (sao) slimmer and without frets. There shamisen neck consisting of three parts for easy portability and storage. Shamisen neck that can not be removed intact and-off called nobezao neck.
Silk is the raw material for stringed shamisen. Tsugaru-jamisen originating from the Tsugaru region there who wore strings of nylon fibers or tetoron. The strings in sequence from left to right (from the thickest string) is called the ichi no ito (first string), ni no ito (both strings), and san no ito (third string).2. Type
Broadly speaking, the shamisen consists of three types based on neck size: Hosozao (narrow neck), Nakazao (neck medium), and Futozao (big neck). In addition, the type of shamisen grouped by the name of art:
Nagauta shamisen, slender-necked, plucked with a pick of elephant ivory, and used in kabuki performances
Gidayū shamisen, a large and thick-necked, and is used as an accompaniment jōruri
Tokiwazu-Bushi shamisen, being necked
Kiyomoto shamisen, being necked.
Jiuta shamisen, being necked, plucked with a pick-called Tsuyamabachi of elephant ivory material. Shamisen sankyoku this type is often called, is played with koto, kokyu, and shakuhachi.
Shinnai shamisen, being necked, plucked with the fingernails.
Yanagawa shamisen (Kyo-shamisen), more slender neck than Hosozao, is the oldest model shamisen
Tsugaru-jamisen, width and thick-necked, used to track an area called Tsugaru-minyō, and learned to use bachi smaller and made of tortoise shell.
Shanshin origin of the Ryukyu Islands, was used in the prefecture of Okinawa and the very tip of Kagoshima prefecture. Shanshin made from python skins from Indonesia, the Urushi lacquered neck shamisen, and learned not to use bachi, but with a pick from buffalo horn.
Gottan, from Kagoshima Prefecture, is made entirely of wood and do not wear animal skins.
3. History
In the classification of musical instruments, including the shamisen lute stringed instrument similar to the neck (neck) are connected to the body. Around the world there are many diversified musical instrument similar to the lute, ranging from guitar, sitar, to the ukulele. Culture of ancient Egypt knew the three stringed stringed instrument that evolved into the Persian setaru or sitar ("se" means "three" and "taru" means "strings"). In China, a similar musical instrument zither made with snakeskin upholstery called sanshen (sanxian). Trade between the Kingdom of Ryukyu and introducing Fuzhou sanshen musical instrument which was then in Okinawa called Sanshin.
At the end of the 16th century, merchant ships brought Sanshin Ryukyu origin introduced into the Sakai city residents. Shamisen oldest still in existence today is the shamisen named Yodo works craftsmen in Kyoto. Shamisen is specially made by order of Toyotomi Hideyoshi to be presented to his wife Yodo-dono. Yodo shamisen has a form that is not much different from the existing shamisen.
Sanshin developments of foreign origin became a shamisen can not be separated from the role of the blind musician from Tōdōza blind association. Sanshin played with a pick from buffalo horn shaped nail growing into the shamisen is plucked with a bachi used to pluck the instrument biwa. Shamisen sound more crisp was more unpopular than the person who impressed biwa sounds heavy and serious.
Blind musician named one of the Ishimura Kengyō meritorious develop techniques to shamisen popular game of the people. At the beginning of the Edo period, Ishimura Kengyō pioneered the genre of music that uses the shamisen and is known as jiuta. Broadly speaking, the shamisen music is divided into two types, Utaimono (counterpoint) and Katarimono (accompaniment story).
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